Saturday, February 19, 2011

What is Cancer? Causes of Cancer?

Cancer is a type of diseases marked by the growth of out-of-control cells. Over 100 types of cancer have been characterized, and each type is classified by the initially affected cell types. So, what do you think what is root causes for cancer?

What causes cancer?

Cancer is  a result of cells that grows without any control and do not die. Cells of the body always follow an orderly way of growth,breaking-up and death. When the process of apoptosis, a cell death programmed, breaks down, cancer starts to form. Unlike regular cells, Cancer cells, not normal cell, do not follow programmatic death and continue to grow on the other hand and then divide which leads to the mass growth of uncontrolled abnormal cells.

Symptoms of cancer

Symptoms of cancer are varied and depend on the location of cancer cells in the body where it spread and size of cells that form a tumor. Some type of cancers can be felt or seen over the skin - a lump on breast or testicle could be an indicator of cancer. Skin cancer which is call melanoma is determined by a change in the wart or the mole on the skin. Oral cancers show white spots on the tongue or white mend inside the mouth.

Other cancers symptoms are less visible from the outside. Brain tumors on the other hand shows symptoms early as affect cognitive functions of the body. Symptoms also presented by tumor grows or by pushes against organs and blood vessels. For example, colon cancers shows symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, and stool size change. Prostate cancers shows bladder function changes which results in more frequent or infrequent urination

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